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Security Guard Services

Elite Protection Services provides unarmed security guards, foot patrol, standing guard, vehicle patrol, and armed guard services. in Beaverton, Portland, and surrounding areas.

Retail on site security guard

Commercial Fire Watch and Retail Security Guard Services

Retail and commercial security guard services offer a comprehensive and vital layer of protection for businesses and their assets. Our services encompass a range of crucial functions, including fire watch to prevent fires,  and loss prevention, which aims to mitigate theft, fraud, and inventory shrinkage. Our highly trained security personnel, both armed and unarmed, are deployed strategically to deter criminal activities and respond swiftly if an incident occurs. Foot patrol and standing guards play a pivotal role in maintaining a visible presence, ensuring the safety of employees and customers, and promoting a secure shopping or working environment. Whether it's preventing shoplifting, vandalism, or addressing potential security threats, these security services are an indispensable asset for retail and commercial establishments. 

Onsite security guard at wedding

Event Security Guard Service

Special event security guard services are an indispensable component of hosting a successful and secure occasion. Our services encompass a wide range of responsibilities, including foot patrol and standing guard to monitor and safeguard the event's perimeter and interior. With options for both armed and unarmed guards, event organizers can customize their security approach based on the nature of the event and potential risks. Whether it's a wedding, a large-scale festival, or a private gathering, our trained security personnel are adept at crowd control, access management, and emergency response. Our presence provides a reassuring atmosphere for attendees, ensures the smooth flow of the event, and, most importantly, helps mitigate security threats, allowing everyone to focus on enjoying the occasion with peace of mind. 

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Construction Site Security Guard Service

Construction site security guard services provide essential protection for often vulnerable and high-value areas. Loss prevention is a primary focus, with trained personnel working diligently to prevent theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access. Our security guards conduct foot patrols around the construction site, maintaining a vigilant presence to deter potential criminal activity and respond swiftly to any security breaches. With options for both armed and unarmed guards, construction site security services can be tailored to the specific needs and risks associated with the project. Their expertise ensures that valuable equipment, materials, and machinery remain secure, minimizing the potential for disruptions and financial losses. Construction site security guard services are critical for any construction project, offering peace of mind and safeguarding valuable investments. 

Guards patrol residential area

Residential and Complex Patrol

Residential and complex patrol security guard services offer protection for communities, ensuring the safety and well-being of residents and their properties. Our services often include foot patrol and standing guard, where trained security professionals maintain a known presence within the residential complex. Additionally, some services may offer vehicle patrols for larger and more extensive properties. The flexibility of having both armed and unarmed guards allows for tailored security solutions to match the specific needs and comfort levels of residents. Whether it's deterring unauthorized access, responding to emergencies, or ensuring a secure environment, these security personnel are dedicated to maintaining peace and order within the residential complex. With our expertise, residents can rest assured that their homes and families are protected. 

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